10am Morning Service
Something a bit different this morning, with bacon butties and refreshments from 10am, hosted by Andy.
And if that wasn’t exciting enough, we’ve also got a jazz band playing standards and great American Songbook tunes all morning! So welcome to Martin and Louise (sax), John (piano), Will (guitar), Steve (bass) and Ralph (drums).
This morning will include a range of activities and so Sunday Club won’t be on in its usual format. The baby room is available at the back of the church during the service and there’s time for more refreshments and chat after the service ends, usually between 11.15 to 11.30am.
6.30pm Evening Worship
Alison leads tonight’s service on Philippians 2v1-11. This service will include sharing communion.
Our evening meeting is a smaller, more intimate gathering for worship, word and prayer in the Green Room, and finishes by 8pm.