On Friday HLBC welcomes Roy Searle, Baptist Union of Great Britain Northern Pioneer Co-ordinator, to speak about his work.

Roy writes:-

“Being disciples of Jesus in a post-Christendom culture raises lots of challenging issues as well as posing several opportunities. It will take courage and faith to embrace the challenges we face.

“As the reality of the situation, with many ageing and declining churches is recognised and the size of the missional task dawns more clearly before us, it’s obvious that continuing to do what we’ve always done will neither stem the tide of decline nor relate in an engaging way with a changing world.

“With these realities and the challenges before us, by the grace of God, come opportunities; to rediscover, or discover and imagine how pioneering and other fresh missional initiatives can help to refresh, renew or reimagine how our faith is lived out and also help the church affirm or rediscover its missional DNA in God’s loving purposes for his world.

“As the Baptist Union’s Northern Pioneer Co-ordinator, I would like to invite all those who are either interested or engaged in pioneering to meet up with me.”

Find out more about the evening on our events listing here.